Getting Started
Main Window
The Main Window is the central hub for the application. It is where Users will spend most of their time.
Key Components
- Title Bar:
- Master Head Section: Includes buttons for “Go”, “Pause”, and “Stop”, and text blocks for displaying the current cue and track.
- Toolbar: Contains buttons for refreshing, creating a new cue, and deleting a cue.
- Cue List:
- Inspector: A section for editing details of the selected cue, such as name, number, duration, pre-wait, post-wait, auto-follow, file name, target file, and notes.
- Footer: Displays a link to the GitHub repository and buttons for accessing settings and toggling edit mode.
Event Handlers
- CloseMenuItem_Click: Closes the window.
- SettingsMenuItem_Click: Opens the settings window.
- SaveMenuItem_Click: Saves the current state.
- OpenMenuItem_Click: Opens a file.
- ExportMenuItem_Click: Exports data.
- ImportMenuItem_Click: Imports data.
- GoButton_Click: Starts the main action.
- PauseButton_Click: Pauses the main action.
- StopButton_Click: Stops the main action.
- RefreshButton_Click: Refreshes the data.
- CreateNewCue_Click: Creates a new cue.
- DeleteCue_Click: Deletes the selected cue.
- CueListView_SelectionChanged: Handles selection changes in the cue list.
- Duration_GotFocus: Handles focus events for the duration text box.
- Duration_LostFocus: Handles lost focus events for the duration text box.
- SelectTargetFile_Click: Opens a dialog to select a target file.
- EditModeToggle_Click: Toggles edit mode.
Settings Window
The Settings Window allows users to configure various settings.
Key Components
- Theme Selection: A combo box for selecting the application theme (Dark, Light, Rainbow).
- Language Selection: A combo box for selecting the application language (en-UK, wanna translate it?).
- Save Button: A button to save the selected settings.
Event Handlers
- SaveButton_Click: Saves the selected settings.
Startup Window
The Startup Window provides options for creating a new playlist, opening an existing playlist, importing a playlist, and accessing settings.
Key Components
- Title Bar: Contains the Win Labs logo (with a easter egg), a menu with basic option of: “Close” and More to come.
- Buttons:
- Creating a new playlist
- Opening an existing playlist
- Importing a playlist
- Accessing settings.
Event Handlers
- Window_MouseDown: Handles mouse down events for the window.
- TitleBarIcon_Click: Handles click events for the title bar icon.
- CloseMenuItem_Click: Closes the window.
- CloseButton_Click: Closes the window.
- CreateNewPlaylist_Click: Creates a new playlist.
- OpenExistingPlaylist_Click: Opens an existing playlist.
- ImportPlaylist_Click: Imports an existing playlist.
- Settings_Click: Opens the settings window.